Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Well to anyone who reads this, I think we can agree this ranks easily in top 5 for worst pictures this year eh? But thats what I get for waiting until night to take the picture, well actually thats not true because... well i'll get there in a second. Alright so today is tuesday..woke up for school, went to school, sat at school, pretty lame.. well not bad actually it was pretty cool. Seminary was obviously awesome as always. Other than that, same old stuff. Soccer practice after was so awesome! bu totally sucked at first, I would easily say we ran at minimum 5 miles for our conditioning. It was awful, but after was very fun, played 8 v 8 two touch manditory, i just love soccer. So afer I came home, well brad and I came home because he wouldn get out, then we ate and talked with mom and annie. then I took brad back home then went to mutual. Mutual was bomb! We had combined activity and played softball, what a fun game. I drilled some to the outfield and made some catches..okay a catch. But had donuts after all and just had a fun time. So today was very super important becasue one of my favorite cousins Natalie had her baby today! She had him at 6:10 21" and weighed 7.6 im pretty sure, we didn;t get to go down but we will tomorrow. I was so happy for her and her family and it was real cool. She went me a picture and thats what i was talking about earlier that i couldve used that but she migh not have wanted her and her baby on my blog right after he was born...idk so thats why i have this flippin curious writer book that my dear mother bought for me, she is so caring and seriously does about everything for me thankyou mom, she got it for me for english 1010 and i have to catch up to where we are reading, yea way lame, crappy pic of the day, but think of Naty and her baby Mason! So thats about it, peace out.

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